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Can I Get a New Roof with an Insurance Claim in Georgia?

Over time, or due to severe weather events, your roof may suffer damage that requires repair or replacement. This is where homeowner's insurance comes into play. Homeowner's insurance protects your home from unforeseen issues or damage, including your roof. You might be wondering if you can get a new roof covered by an insurance claim. The good news is that it's possible, but the process can be complex and time-consuming. Here's a guide to help you navigate getting a new roof through an insurance claim in Georgia.  

Understanding Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy

First and foremost, it's essential to understand what your homeowner's insurance policy covers. Most standard policies cover sudden and accidental damage caused by events such as: storm damage, fire or vandalism. It's important to know not all roof damage will be covered by homeowners' insurance.

Your coverage depends on your specific policy, your location, and the cause of the damage. For instance, insurance policies typically do not cover wear and tear or damage due to lack of maintenance or roof damage that was caused by you or an inexperienced (or unlicensed) roofer. Thoroughly review your policy to understand the specifics of your coverage, including any exclusions or limitations. You can request a copy of your policy from your insurance company. 

Contacting Your Insurance Company

Assess the Damage
After a storm or any damaging event, inspect your roof for visible signs of damage. Look for missing shingles, dents, leaks, or debris on the roof. Document the damage with photos and notes, including the date of the damage.

File a Claim with Your Insurance Company
Research how your insurance company requires claims to be submitted and contact them to report the damage. Provide them with the documentation and the report from any inspections you have done. Some companies require that you file a claim within a certain timeframe of the event, so be sure to know your company's policies.

Get a Professional Inspection
Schedule a professional inspection to carefully assess the damage and provide a detailed report. Having a professional inspection helps ensure all damage is identified and documented accurately. It is also beneficial to have a representative from a trusted roofing company present when meeting with an insurance adjuster. At Trotter Roofing and Gutters, we are happy to meet with your adjuster, help explain the extent of the damage, and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Review the Insurance Estimate
After the adjuster's inspection, you'll receive an estimate from your insurance company outlining the coverage and costs they will cover for the roof replacement. Compare this with the estimate provided by your roofing company. Once you agree with the insurance settlement, you can approve the claim and contact your roofing company to schedule the roof replacement. Our roofing professionals at Trotter Roofing and Gutters have years of experience working directly with insurance companies to streamline the process and ensure your new roof is installed efficiently and to the highest standards. 

Important Tips and Considerations

Document Everything
Keep detailed records of all communications with your insurance company, including phone calls, emails, and letters.

Understand Your Deductible
Be aware of your policy's deductible, which is the amount you'll need to pay out of pocket before insurance coverage kicks in.

Know Your Rights
In Georgia, you have the right to choose your roofing contractor. Do not let your insurance company pressure you into using their preferred vendor if you're not comfortable with them.

Avoid Scammers
After a big storm, "storm-chasers" often walk around looking for homeowners who need quick repairs or replacements. They make big promises and offer low bids to get your business. However, they often take shortcuts in their work and ignore local codes, leaving you with bigger problems than you had before. To avoid this, research and choose a local roofing company you trust.

Navigating an insurance claim for a new roof can be challenging, but with the right guidance and professional support, it can be a smooth process. At Trotter Roofing and Gutters, we are committed to helping Georgia homeowners protect their homes and ensure they receive the coverage they're entitled to. If you suspect your roof has been damaged and might need replacement, contact us today for a thorough inspection and expert assistance with your insurance claim. 

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